Tuesday, 20 March 2007

How far would you go for £5,000?.....

At work today; Everyone's had the discussion which starts with 'How much would you have to be paid to.........?'
..... needless to say that discussion soon got filthy, anyway someone threw into the pot "How much would you have to be paid to let another bloke do you in the rear end?' there were a few answers of a million + etc, until Hotphil announced he would quite happily take it up the wrong' un for 5k. £5,000 I hear you ask, well that was exactly what I said. Anyway, we have all been ripping into Phil all day, he's had ample oppertunity to retract his statement, but he seems quite happy with his fixed 5k price tag. Although he draws a line at; Spooning, kissing, and definitely no double penetration!

1 comment:

Christian Briddon said...

He did say though that if you and Ryan stumped up £2500 each he would do you both. :-)