Friday, 16 February 2007

Judge Judy....

I have been on Holiday for the most of this week, as I have had to use the remainder of my Holiday before they get consumed into the big Human Resources 'Black Hole' and Some family were due to be coming down from Edinburgh, but couldn't make it :-(.
Anyway I've practically been doing sod all!! Apart from a short (Very short) trip into Chesterfield and some food shopping etc, but the time off has allowed me to catch up with the drivel they display on 'The Box' during the daytime. Anyway there is always one show I have time for and that's 'Judge Judy' - The Iron Lady 2!! Judge Judy rules - she takes no crap and completely tears into the majority of the trailer park, mullet sporting, slack jawed cretins they have on the show, anyway while sitting down watching the show it got me thinking - ' Why can't Britain have a show like this ?'

My personal ideas on the show would follow the below criteria,

Same platform as Judge Judy, but with slight tweaks....

I) The show would have all types of crimes (not just petty like in Judge Judy) From Theft to Murder.

II) At the end of the show when the defendant has been (IF) found guilty, there should be a phone vote (like x factor) for the best punishment i.e : Being flogged with a cat of nine tails, Cattle Prodded, incarcerated etc.

Channel 4 should host the programme as they not shy of a bit of controversy....Although if it was Channel 5 everyone would be naked and Judge Judy would be having sex with that big black security guard, who passes her the defendants papers etc (see below pic lol)


Christian Briddon said...

I think they should not bother with the trial and get straight on with the public floggings! I'd watch.

Hell, if it was a subscription channel I'd pay to see some hoodie chav b@5t@rd getting flogged!!!!

Tony Ruscoe said...

There's definitely demand for this type of program. Chris Riley was suggesting a more light-hearted approach to the ASBO generation in this post back in November 2005. (As his sister pointed out, his suggestion already exists and is called "Brat Camp" - but that's just for pussies who skive off school and refuse to do their homework.)

I think your idea has much more scope. As a nation, we need to stand up to these scumbags - and Judge Judy can help us achieve this!

(I'd rather not have to watch her and the big black dude going for it in the courtroom though, so I seriously hope Channel 4 get the rights instead of Five...)

The Author said...

I completely love Judge Judy - she's ace. She takes no crap from trailer trash and she always judges on the side of the good guy!!! Also good to watch if you want to see chav types getting a verbal slapping is Jeremy Kyle

ROBERTJ1954 said...

All this "so called" controversy aimed at Judge Judy. The woman is a huge success, and for that she is pilloried by some who hate to see a person become successful. To those who love to hate, don't watch her show that is the most effective way to show your dislike for her as a public personality. Taking shots from blogs is childish.

Too many times a person's comments are taken out of context or the person misspoke, it is human nature and does not necessarily reflect the person's true character. It is an occupational hazard that comes with being a public personality.

I am sure Judge Judy is against drug use and more important, the sanctioning of drug use. Handing out clean needles is just not a good policy for fighting drug use. Judge Judy is smart enough to recognize that fact. Treatment and rehabilitation is a sound plan for treating drug abuse. The Democrats, now that they are in power, can allocate funding to treatment of this serious problem.

Give Judge Judy a break. She is a great TV personality, very entertaining and given the salary she earns, which is second only to Oprah, for highest earned income. I am glad she has a contract until 2011 and wishes her continued success with both her show and her life. You Rock Judge Judy!

ROBERTJ1954 said...

All this "so called" controversy aimed at Judge Judy. The woman is a huge success, and for that she is pilloried by some who hate to see a person become successful. To those who love to hate, don't watch her show that is the most effective way to show your dislike for her as a public personality. Taking shots from blogs is childish.

Too many times a person's comments are taken out of context or the person misspoke, it is human nature and does not necessarily reflect the person's true character. It is an occupational hazard that comes with being a public personality.

I am sure Judge Judy is against drug use and more important, the sanctioning of drug use. Handing out clean needles is just not a good policy for fighting drug use. Judge Judy is smart enough to recognize that fact. Treatment and rehabilitation is a sound plan for treating drug abuse. The Democrats, now that they are in power, can allocate funding to treatment of this serious problem.

Give Judge Judy a break. She is a great TV personality, very entertaining and given the salary she earns, which is second only to Oprah, for highest earned income. I am glad she has a contract until 2011 and wishes her continued success with both her show and her life. You Rock Judge Judy!